5th March 2018 ============================================================== A) The maps from the original DES SV mass mapping papers using Kaiser-Squires: http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.03002 http://arxiv.org/abs/1505.01871 B) The maps from the paper: “Improving Weak Lensing Mass Map Reconstructions using Gaussian and Sparsity Priors: Application to DES SV” https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.08945 ============================================================== A) des_sv_original_2015/${map_type}_${shear_pipeline}_${smoothing}_${pixel}.fits map_type: - k: kappa converted from ellipticity - kg: weighted projected galaxy density map * all maps are projected with a sinusoidal projection with reference RA at 71 deg * for the kappa map, first extension is E-mode kappa, second is B-mode kappa, third is mask shear_pipeline: - im3shape v9 (flat v5) - ngmix 011 (flat v5) * photo-z from BPZ smoothing: RMS of Gaussian smoothing in arcmin pixel: size of pixel in arcmin des_sv_original_2015/RA_des_sv_spte.fits des_sv_original_2015/DEC_des_sv_spte.fits RA/DEC coordinates for each pixel. ============================================================== B) i) Kaiser-Squires with 10 arcminute Gaussian smoothing des_sv_with_priors_2018/published_des_sv_map_ks_10am.fits ii) Wiener filter reconstruction des_sv_with_priors_2018/published_des_sv_map_wiener.fits iii) GLIMPSE (sparse) reconstruction with λ=3.0 des_sv_with_priors_2018/published_des_sv_map_glimpse_l3.fits all are HEALPIX format with NSIDE 1024 (as described in the paper)