################################################# # # # HALOGEN Y1-BAO DES mock catalogues # # # ################################################# by Santiago Avila santiagoavilaperez@gmail.com # ** WHAT are they? ** These products are part of the science-release of the Dark Energy Survey Year-1 data. Here you can find 1800 mock catalogues reproducing the following properties if the DES Y1-BAO sample: - Angular footprint - Redshift distributions and redshift uncertainties - Abundance of galaxies - Clustering amplitude as a function of redshift For details, see Avila et al. 2018, MNRAS, 479, p.94 (arXiv:1712.06232) # * Please, if you make use of these mocks for a publication, acknowledge it by citing the above publication. * We also include a random catalogue that contains unclustered objects sampling the same footprint and redshift distribution with 20 times as many objects as the average of the mock catalogues. # ** WHAT do they contain? ** You will find: - 18 tar.gz files with 100 mocks each. To unpack, follow this example: tar -zxvf 0to99.tar.gz - 1 random catalogue. Each mock contains 6 columns: (1) RA. Right Ascension in degrees. (2) DEC. Declination in degrees (3) zph. Photometric redshift (4) L. A proxy for luminosity in arbitrary units (5) zsp. True redshift including contribution from peculiar velocities, (6) Mh. Halo mass in Msun/h units. (7) if central: number of satellies; if satellite: -1 For most purposses one would only need (1), (2), (3) and possibly (5). For details, refer to Avila et al. 2018. The random catalogue "randoms_for_mocks.dat" contains three colums: (1) RA. Right Ascension in degrees. (2) DEC. Declination in degrees (3) zph. Photometric redshift # ** HOW to download them? ** If you want to use the Europe-based server, you can get them by typing: wget ftp://honda.ift.uam-csic.es/../randoms_for_mocks.dat wget ftp://honda.ift.uam-csic.es/../mock_catalogues/0to99.tar.gz wget ftp://honda.ift.uam-csic.es/../mock_catalogues/100to199.tar.gz ... wget ftp://honda.ift.uam-csic.es/../mock_catalogues/1700to1799.tar.gz