The data file is in fits format and called 2pt_NG_mcal_1110.fits ************************* Here is a dictionary for the chains: Each file is named in the following way: ".txt" Replace by the name convetion below e.g.: s_l3.txt ** When you use the chains, please use the last column, the weights [see the python snippet below]. Note that the sequence of samples is not a random walk** ************************** There is a letter corresponding to each dataset: s = DES shear only wg = DES wtheta + galaxy-galaxy lensing d = DES 3x2 pnl = Planck with no lensing e = Planck + BAO + SN dprime = DES 3x2 but using only large scales eprime = BAO + SN So, e.g., dpnl = DES 3x2 combined with Planck no lensing ************************** Finally, the models considered were l = LCDM w = wCDM The 3 at the end means that the 3 neutrinos were taken to be degenerate [appropriate to the mass range to which we are sensitive] ************************** A simple python script that reads in omegam and sigma8 and plots using chainconsumer [] is: import numpy as np import os import sys sys.path.append('/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages') from chainconsumer import ChainConsumer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt c = ChainConsumer() names=['$\\Omega_m$','$S_8$'] file = 'd_l3.txt' f =open(file) ch=[] w=[] for i,line in enumerate(f): words=line.split() om=float(words[0]) $$ as described in the first line, omegam is the 1st entry on each line sigma8=float(words[26]) ## as described on the first line, sigma8 is the 27 entry in each line s8=(om/0.3)**.5*sigma8 ch.append([om,s8]) w.append(float(words[28])) w=np.array(w) ch=np.array(ch) f.close() c.add_chain(ch,parameters=names,weights=w,name=r'\textbf{DES Y1 All}') ## Then after adding 2 more chains c.configure(plot_hists=False,sigma2d=False,kde=1.5, colors=["g", "r","b"], linewidths=1.2, legend_kwargs={"loc": "upper right", "fontsize": 10}, legend_color_text=True, legend_location=(-1, 0),diagonal_tick_labels=False) fig = c.plotter.plot(legend='t',figsize="column") fig.savefig('omegams8.pdf', bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300, transparent=True, pad_inches=0.05)